KataabaIzuua on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kataabaizuua/art/ASG-3-Body-Armor-200171548KataabaIzuua

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ASG 3 Body Armor



This is the third page of the Armor Study and Guide which covers body armor. I tried to cover most of the body armor on one page, which makes for a very crowded one!

The Japanese use a form of the skirt similar to the leggings but it doesn't go passed the knee.

You may ask: "What daily hazards?" Remember chainmail is made of metal and due to the high cost, you didn't want to have to replace it. Also, the sunlight could heat up the metal links which would burn the skin. Wearing a surcoat over it helped to keep it cool.

Lastly, the Japanese also used very thin chainmail that was butted instead of riveted. This means that the links were simply hammered shut instead of shut by a separate rivet. Thin chainmail like this couldn't be used as great protection since it could break so it was typically used as support. The Europeans would also use chainmail as support but relied on it as a main defense more readily. The main advantage to this thin chainmail was its almost cotton like feel. It was very lightweight and they would even use mail as socks. In fact, Japan is the only nation known to have ever used the weaker butted chainmail in any widely spread fashion.

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